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tg-bridge is a standalone working out of box plugin that creates a chat bridge between Telegram group and Minecraft chat.

Server LibraryManagementSocialTechnologyUtility

Created24 days ago
Updated24 days ago


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MCTG-bridge is a standalone working out of box plugin that creates a chat bridge between Telegram group and Minecraft chat.

How to use

Get jar file

  • Download stable version - you can download compiled package from releases page

  • Download experimental-automatiacly-built version from github actions

  • Build by yourself - mvn clean install

Setup telegram bot

  • Head to
  • Use command /newbot and follow instructions
  • Use /setprivacy and set it to DISABLED if you want bot to see messages in chats
  • Remember API token

Configure plugin

  • Copy jar file to server's plugins folder
  • Start server to generate config for plugins
  • Put bot's API token to plugins/tg-bridge/config.yml at api_token column
  • Restart server - at startup you should see message like this
[17:10:59 WARN]: [tg-bridge] chat_id is null, use /attach <secretTempCode> to pin one
[17:10:59 WARN]: [tg-bridge] secretTempCode is set to -72683

After that add bot to target chat and execute that command in it:

/attach secretTempCode

Now you need to make final restart and plugin is ready to use

  • Adjust other config options by your needs






Telegram bot commands

Base command set

memory - show allocated memory
list - list online players
ping - pong
uptime - show uptime
stats - player stats
top - get top stats
kickme - kicks you...

From ivite system

invite - invite person to server (optional)

From login security

removepass - remove account password
changepass - change account password

For now all they by default enabled (except last ones since they depedns from corresponding plugin presence)

todo: add configurability and scripting

How to setup ngrok (/tunnel command)

To setup ngrok or telegram /tunnel command you need to put you ngrok auth to config file field ngrok_auth

you can get one from

What's Left to be Added/Fixed

  • The Following Ideas
    • [x] Message reduction
    • [x] Message merging
    • [x] Login via telegram
      • [x] Hook with existing login plugin
    • [x] Flexible configurtation
    • [x] Ingore switch
    • [ ] Custom localization
    • [ ] Config editor
    • [ ] Reply by click

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID
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