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Added the permission node speedtab.reload.

By default no one has the permission other than the console. To grant the permission to a player, you will need a permissions plugin installed on Velocity, and in the backend server (eg: Paper). This was tested with LuckPerms installed on Velocity and Paper, both connected up to the same MySQL server with the speedtab.reload permission applied to my player.

You do not need to regenerate your config file for this update.

Added a command which lets you reload the config from within the game. Simply edit the config file, then run /speedtabreload in your game. The config reloads instantly, and players do not need to rejoin to see the changes.

If you're running 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT, you can just replace the jar file with the new one and everything will work. You do not need to recreate your config file.

In this version, you can now:

  • Set a footer,
  • Use colour tags,
  • Set different headers and footers per server.

If upgrading from 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, please delete your config file so the plugin can regenerate it.

The first build of SpeedTab. So far you can customize the tab list header text.

Drop the attached JAR into your Velocity plugins folder. The config file will be created in /plugins/speedtab/config.conf.

Have fun!

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