DesidiaItemCraftBlock is a simple but powerful plugin that allows you to block the crafting ability of the players.
Link to my GitHub.
Customizable Configuration: It offers the ability to customize the blocking message, informing players via chat of any attempts to craft a restricted item (in this case all items are restricted). Additionally, you can enable or disable this message using the "EnableCraftMessage" option in the configuration file.
Dynamic Configuration Reload: Integrates a reload command (/dib reload) that allows real-time updates of the plugin configuration. Changes made in the config.yml file will be instantly applied without the need for server restarts.
Permission Management: Ensures server security and control by assigning specific permissions for accessing the reload command, ensuring that only authorized users can utilize this function. DesidiaItemCraftBlock is an tool for server administrators and owners seeking a higher level of control over item crafting and customization of the Minecraft gameplay experience.
Please wait the next updates where i want to add the feature you can use to block only certain recipes or crafts!
Thanks you for downloading my very first plugin!
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