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Better FPS (Modpack)

Better FPS (Modpack)


Utilizes the power of Vulkan API to give you the best performance boost, even on 10-year-old PCs.

Client LightweightOptimizationTechnology

Created2 years ago
Updated22 days ago

My Website

Important to keep in mind that VulkanMod is still in beta, so many mods are incompatible with it. But I will try to only include mods that work with Vulkan.

Better FPS is the best fps boost mod pack for absolute potato PCs I can confirm this because I have a pc with an I7 - 6600U, which is the oldest CPU that is currently supported by Microsoft/windows. I can guarantee you that you will get 60 FPS and more, and by that, I mean constant with no frame drops. This pack is built on VulkanMod it rewrites the render engine OpenGL to use the VulkanAPI.

Since I use it I've never got frame drops again your pc can lag and make his own stuff but something that will never lag is your frame rate.

So give it a try.

If you have issues, join my discord. For people that want to add own mods, here is a list of incompatible/compatible mods.

Check out my other projects on my profile

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