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Fusion (Connected Textures)

Fusion (Connected Textures)


Fusion allows resource packs to use additional texture and model types such as connected textures!

Client DecorationLibrary

Createda year ago
Updated20 days ago

Fusion 1.1.1


Fusion 1.1.1

  • Added match_state connection predicate
  • Added is_face_visible connection predicate

Fusion 1.1.0c

  • Fixed Fusion's appearance API checks, so it works properly with mods like FramedBlocks

Fusion 1.1.0b

  • Added workaround for weird Fabric API quirks when caching quads in connecting models

Fusion 1.1.0a

  • Added ModMenu library badge
  • Fixed concurrency issue when checking connections for connecting models
  • Fixed crash with Indium

Fusion 1.1.0

  • Added an option for resource packs to have optional Fusion integration
  • Added the option for connecting textures to override their render type
  • Added the option to specify connections per texture in connecting models
  • Added horizontal, vertical, and compact connecting texture layouts
  • Added support for Fabric's appearance API
  • Improved the performance of connecting models

Fusion 1.0.6

  • Fixed concurrency issue when rendering connecting models

Fusion 1.0.5a

  • Make sure parent models get resolved properly when combined with mods like DashLoader

Fusion 1.0.5

  • Fixed VanillaModelDataBuilder setting ambient occlusion to false by default

Fusion 1.0.4

  • Fixed concurrency issue where some texture are sometimes not loaded correctly

Fusion 1.0.3

  • Added ModelBakingContext#getModel
  • Fixed parents for connecting models not always being resolved

Fusion 1.0.2

  • Fixed simple connected texture sprite coordinates for the left,up,down connection

Fusion 1.0.1

  • Fixed SpriteCreationContext sometimes returning the wrong atlas size

Fusion 1.0.0a

  • Fusion is no longer marked as client-side only
  • Fixed versioning

Fusion 1.0.0

  • Initial release of Fusion



fusion-1.1.1-fabric-mc1.20.1.jar(210.85 KiB) Primary Download
fusion-1.1.1-fabric-mc1.20.1-sources.jar(122.57 KiB) Download

External resources

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID
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