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Cinch's Better Deepslate Aims to improve deepslate while also adding onto deepslate. This mod redoes the deepslate crafting recipes so that almost all deepslate blocks are crafted from normal deepslate instead of cobbled deepslate. Cobbled deepslate slabs stairs and walls are of course still crafted from cobbled deepslate. These recipe changes were done to make deepslate recipes more consistent with stone recipes. Cinch's Better Deepslate also adds new mossy variants of cobbled deepslate, deepslate bricks, and deepslate tiles, aswell as slab, stair, and wall variants of normal deepslate. All these new mossy variants come with slabs, stairs, and walls. This mod also adds polished deepslate pressure plates and buttons. The last features are deepslate tools which are crafted from cobbled deepslate and function the same as stone tools except with more durability. This mod also adds blackstone tools which are the same as normal stone tools. The blackstone tools are just added for the sake of consistency.

Feel Free to use this mod in modpacks!

All the features of this mod are also features of my other mod Cinchcraft. If you want all these features and tons more, you can download that:

Mossy cobbled deepslate and mossy deepslate tile textures by Stallman.

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