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Yet Another Vampire Origin

Yet Another Vampire Origin

Data pack

A Vampire origin that's roughly as balanced as the base Origin mod origins.

Server AdventureGame MechanicsMagicUtility

Created5 days ago
Updated5 days ago

Hey, you. Yeah, you there. You're looking for vampire stuff, huh? But your friends wouldn't like you being near-unkillable, dealing so much damage you can't ever be defeated? Follow me, I've got something that might be up your alley...

Yet Another Vampire Origin

Hey, don't be deterred by the name. Plenty of love and care went into this, all right? This Origin datapack was designed to be roughly as powerful as the existing, base origins, without any outrageous extras.


Let's get into why you're actually here- what makes this origin unique?

  • [+] Outside of the sun, you're very proficient with your predator abilities. You move faster, mine faster, and can see perfectly in the dark.
  • [+] At will, you can remain at exactly the height you are at- or hover a bit higher, menacingly~!
  • [+] You do not take fall damage.
  • [+] At will, you can teleport a short distance, leaving a red trail behind you.
  • [+] As an undead creature, you do not need to breathe, letting you swim without worry.
  • [+] If someone looks into your eyes, they may find they can't look away... Sneaking and looking at creatures inflicts Slowness upon them...
  • [-] ...which is quite useful, as the only food you can eat without growing nauseous is fresh blood. Sneak and right-click on living entities to drink from them, dealing them a small amount of damage to restore your hunger shanks.
  • [-] The bright glare of the sun weakens you significantly; trading your speed and strength for slowness, mining fatigue and weakness.
  • [-] Wooden stakes are not the only wood you fear- any weapon fashioned from wood is highly effective at taking you out.
  • [-] As an undead creature, Smite affects you, making a wooden sword potentially even more dangerous. Additionally, the effects of Instant Health and Instant Damage are reversed, and you cannot profit from Regeneration... or Wither, for that matter.
  • [-] You must be invited into spaces gated off by doors, fence gates, or trapdoors- or force your way through! Doors take longer to break and will make a lot of noise, though.

This datapack supports Campanion and Medieval Weapons right out of the box. Feel free to suggest new mods to support over on the Issue Tracker!

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